Tuesday, 23 February 2010

What value is placed on creative talent in the digital age?

This is the title for my essay I am writing at the moment. This is the first time i have ever spoken to creatives about my work and my thoughts on situations. Adam Hayes gave me this really useful website and some good insight towards the idea. Before I had such a strong opinion in the fact that hand rendered graphics have been taken over my digital media but his opinion is that both are successful and when put together can be more effective than one of them on their own. He said there is certainly more development within digital media to expand upon and push graphic design (and in turn create further distance between that and the hand drawn) but if design is good then how it is created should not matter.

He gave me this website to have a look at http://www.etsy.com/ it combines hand made items with machinery and also sells all its things on the internet (even down to selling patterns for clothing and sewing so it can be sent to you a lot quicker.....The internet is the 'biggy' in the change with design especially things such as advertising.

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